Post: Pricing of Persian Iranian Termeh Handicrafts

While buying termeh ,you will have to be careful about what are you paying for?

Normally termeh is an expensive piece  .Shopping for termeh have these factors in mind:
Pieces with lining are priced higher than pieces without lining.

Trim normally as the trim used becomes wider and more expensive the piece is priced higher.

Number of colors used is a very important factor representing how much labor was used for a piece as the number of colors increase the piece is priced dramatically higher.
Any termeh with gold or silver fibers is priced dramatically higher than pieces without.

The uniqueness and the designer’s attention to details is an important factor that should be considered.

Last and most important factor is either the termeh  is plain or does it have  embroidery .Now a days most of the Persian termeh are elaboratively embroidered  using a technique  that is called “sermeh doozy”.This is a embroidery technique that was  used in ancient persia and has been taught from  one generation to the next.

What is sermeh doozy?

Sermeh doozy is a  prominent needlework used in anceint persia(iran).It is an embossed technique used on expensive  peices of fabric and clothing ever since.
The artist uses a threaded needle and passes it through small  delicate peices of gold embroidery tube (sermeh) and sews and secures it to the fabric.The designer usually  uses pearls and beads too to make the design more glamorous and also outstanding.This  sort of embossed needlework  is truly outstanding and one of a kind.

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